Thursday, May 16, 2013

NohaStyleIcon: An interview with Magical Apron.

Hello fashion lover,
Hope you're having a wonderful day.

So here I am doing it. Yay me. My first ever interview in my personal amd blogging life. Interviewing, not only, my FAV childhood TV announcer of my FAV tv show @ KTV1, but also one today's growing #Fashionista.
She is sweet & pretty in and out. Before everything, she helped me in believing in myself by helping and welcoming me to the world of blogging and to never give up. And I would love to thhhhhhank her alot -BIIIIIG TIIIIME.
She is such a sweetheart. Also an enthusiastic person mashallah ;*. I love her and wish her all the best in life and in her studies. May Allah be with her with every step she's taking in life and protect her for her family, friends & loved ones.

Still wondering who is she?
It is NOOOOOHA (NohaStyleicon from

Here it goes. It was fun doing it. If it was my word to say, I would interview her for a week. :p haha!!

Enjoy Noha's interview. <3

Magical Apron: Good evening Noha! How are you? I know you have done this a lot in your interviews but can you introduce yourself? (in the way you love people to know about you)

Noha: Well thank you for asking ! As I believe not many people really know who exactly I am . I would say I'm a simple Kuwait girl with huge dreams and independent personality . I love my family , I believe in miracles and I adore life !

MA: So let's start talking Fashion. Who and what inspires your style?

N: I can be inspired by anyone any where . In fact I always look for inspiration from huge campaigns and fashion magazines to simple street stylish girls .

MA: How would you describe your own style and sense of style?

N: I would say it's trendy , fun and edgy .

MA: They say fashion knows no age or religion. What do you think about this saying?

N: couldn't agree more . I believe that a woman can express her sense of style no matter what her religion or age is !

MA: Mentioning that you are a student, what advice you give students who love to bring their own fashion sunshine every where they go? And to those who wants to improve their sense of fashion. ;*

N: I know that some people might assume that I attend classes in tulle skirts and high heels ! In fact my life is much easier . I love dressing up for different occasions but I look for comfort first . I wear jeans and sweatshirts just like all the other girls on campus because that what makes me comfortable . As a student I love to add an edgy touch to my daily outfit at school . Leather look leggings , leather jackets and high top sneakers are some of my every day fashion items on campus ! Talk about cool and edgy meet comfy!

MA: Do you stick in one style or you like variation. Or do you just wear what suits you and wish for the best? :p

N: hahahaha ! I definitely don't do the last part :p as I said my style is trendy and I love to follow the latest in fashion but I still love to add a crazy touch from time to time to stay unique. You would see me looking so girly with a cute skirt and a floral shirt on one day and see me so rock n roll on the next . It depends on my mode and what I feel like rocking :)

MA: What do you love to do for fun? Considering you are a mother do you find it more fun to include your children. Or you have me-fun time & also children-fun time. Hehe like giving every one a time of your day and eventually a time for your self -Only you time? :p

N: actually ! Fashion is what I do for fun ! My life is a continuous circle of seriousness and responsibilities . Between school and family duties , I take every break I have to do the thing that really gives me strength and keeps my sanity ! Fashion that is ! You would see me trying new styles , doing my hair and makeup and take photos for my fashion blog !

MA: What is/are the pieces from the runway or from this season's HOT list you are eye-ing on?

N: Crazy printed Givenchy dresses and Alexander wang's gladiator sandals !

MA: Do you wish to have your own fashion line? If so, and you opened a boutique what would you name it - the boutique & the fashion line? Or will it both have the same name?

N: I'd love to do it one day . It doesn't matter what really comes first . I still have no idea what will I name it . I would definitely figure it out then :p

MA: What is/are the fashion crimes that irritates you? And were you guilty doing one? xp

N: God ! I love that question . Call me crazy but I think that the worst fashion crime you can do is staying safe . Fashion is all about having fun , taking risks and trying new stuff . If you followed the classic rules ( If there are any ) you will stop being creative and different !!! In other words : you will be BORING !

MA: I saw one of your posts on Instagram, in which you said (you do not have to show skin to be HOT). I think #Hijabi girls will relate. Don't you?

N: Personally I don't think that Hijab stopes Muslim girls from looking fabulous . I have many Friends back home who are always stylish and looking great despite the fact that they wear Hijab !

MA :If you can choose items from the vintage collection you have from your wardrobe that you think they will stand for a life time season's. what will it/ they be?

N: . I would say all my designers handbags especially CHANEL . I always make sure to get the classic ones to make sure they are timeless and last for ever ! Who knows ? My little Dana might wear them one day . She's obsessed with bags already :D hahahaha

MA: Last but least, what do you think about this season's fashion? What are they? And what are the must have's?

N: It's all about spring/ summer fashion . Pastels , color blocking , Black and white , gladiator sandals are the main trends for this season . Consider the last ones A MuSt !

MA: Walllah i had fun bil asking part hope you loved the answering part.
N: Had fun answering your cute questions !

As I mention I had so muuuuuch fun
Thanks sweet Noha for giving me a
chance for this amazing experience. Wishing you all the best lovely Noha. <3

Check out Noha's latest outfits (Picture are her own and from her website). Here is the girlie, with blair waldorf'ishy twist look. I live for A GIRLIE PINK STUFF.

Hope you liked it my lovely readers,
Magical Apron.

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